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Thursday, May 23, 2024

4 Fun Activities to Help Students with Hearing and Counting Syllables

As a primary teacher, so much of our time is devoted to activities that support phonological awareness. One of the topics that always seemed to take a fair bit of time and attention to master in my room was understanding syllables. If I'm being honest, this can be a pretty tricky topic to teach! But don't worry friend, I've tried all sorts of teaching methods for this topic over the years and have found some clear winners. Keep reading to learn more about teaching students with hearing and counting syllables!

Counting syllables will be easy and fun with these 4 exciting activities your students will love.

Teaching Students to Count Syllables

Teaching all about counting syllables starts in the early years with activities that use pictures and auditory exercises. As children grow older, this eventually expands to include printed words as they discover the magic of syllable division to help decode words. But how do we even begin teaching students to count syllables?

As I mentioned above, this topic can be a bit tricky for some kiddos. We've all had those kids that struggle to break words down into syllables and instead say the word as one, single sound over and over. It's important to remember that this process won't look the same for every student, so it's a good idea to offer multiple different options that will appear to a variety of learners. 

Methods for Counting Syllables

There are a few different ways you can help facilitate the process of hearing and counting syllables with your students. Here are the methods I used again and again in my room:

Use several different methods for counting syllables to help all of your diverse learners understand how to hear and count syllables.
  1. Clap it Out! - This is the most common way to identify syllables in a word. Students will listen to or say the word and clap it out. This will help students easily hear the number of syllables and count them as they listen. 
  2. Table Tap - Tapping on the table or the palm of your hand is another way to illustrate the number of syllables in a word. Students will use their fingers to count out each syllable on their hand or the tabletop.
  3. Chin Touch - Finally, for students who really struggle to hear those syllables, the chin touch might be most helpful! Have students place one hand under their chin. As they say the word and their mouth opens for each syllable, they will feel their chin touch the top of their hand to help them count the number of syllables in the word.
I liked to use all of these methods in my teaching to ensure that the students had exposure to many different tools for learning to count syllables. Everyone has a different learning style, so offering multiple ways of reaching the same goal is super helpful! 

Ready to see my favorite resources to use alongside these methods of teaching students to count syllables? Here are my four favorite teaching activities to facilitate this skill.

1. Counting Syllables Scoot 

Have you ever played Scoot in your classroom? If not, you're missing out on an amazing opportunity to take ordinary task cards and turn them into a fun-filled movement activity your students will LOVE! 

Scoot is played by arranging task cards around the room, typically one card on each desk or on the floor around the room's perimeter. Each child is armed with a recording sheet before beginning. You'll decide how much time you want to give students to solve the problem on the task card. As a rule of thumb, it should be challenging, but not so challenging that it's frustrating. 

Use this counting syllables scoot game in your classroom o help students understand how to hear and count syllables in a game-like way.
When you're ready to begin, you start the timer and students will work on the card in front of them. When the timer goes off, you say "Scoot!" and each student moves to the next card. This continues until students have visited every card and filled out their recording sheets completely. 

In this Spring Counting Syllables Game, students will identify the picture on the card, say it aloud, and clap or tap out the syllables. Then, they find the corresponding number on their recording sheet and write their answer down in that space. 

Scoot is so much fun because it incorporates movement with your learning activities and makes everyone an active participant. It was always my go-to when students were restless or checked out to help rein them back in again. This game can be played as a center activity, too! Check out this bundle for themed games for the whole year. 

2. Counting Syllables Clip Cards 

Next up, this activity is great if you're looking for center games that facilitate the practice of counting syllables along with fine motor skills. These Counting Syllables Clip Cards are super simple to prep, and can be used again and again for practice! Simply print, cut, and laminate the cards for durability and provide students with a bin of clothespins. 

Use clip cards like these in centers for a little counting syllables independent practice your students will love.
To play, they will say the picture name on the card and count the number of syllables they hear. Don't forget to encourage students to use the counting method that works best for them (clapping, tapping, or chin touch) as they work. This is especially helpful for our little learners who are just getting started with this skill! 

Once they count the syllables, they will use a clothespin to mark their answer choice. These cards come in both color and black and white so you can choose what works best for your printing needs. The black and white pages look great printed on colorful cardstock. You'll love having this simple, effective activity on hand for students to use as a morning activity, small group warm-up, or independent center activity! 

3. Counting Syllables Sorting Game 

If you're looking for a fun counting syllables game to play in your small groups, I know you'll love this next idea. 

This counting syllables sorting game is perfect for centers, independent work, or even as a fun team game.
This Counting Syllables Sorting Game is designed to help students who are just getting started with syllables and for those who have progressed to using the printed word as well. Because of this, there are two card options, one with words and one without. There are 78 cards to sort, 4 syllable categories, a recording sheet, and an answer key to allow for plenty of versatility. 

Kiddos will choose a card, say the word, count the syllables, sort their card into the correct category, and then mark it on their recording sheet. If you're playing in small groups, you can have children take turns with this and allow everyone to write down the correct answer on their page as each kiddo answers. This game can also be played as a partner game or independent center activity using a pocket chart to sort. No matter how you choose to use it, the variety of options and ways to play will make this one a sure winner among your group! 

4. Syllable Division 

This last resource is a bit more advanced, for use after your students get the basic idea of counting syllables. This game has students work on dividing words in print, which comes after they've worked on the auditory/verbal lessons to count syllables. This activity works really well for both demonstration and student practice! 

Inside this resource, you'll find 24 cards to model breaking down words. These cards are great for showing students the different types of words and how to break them down. I recommend laminating them and using a dry-eraser to write on them as you model this process. 

Use this counting syllables resource to help students identify the break in words that they can hear when counting syllables.
Also included are 68 picture/word task cards for student practice. They will follow the same process you use with the plain cards, but the pictures will help prompt young readers who aren't quite ready for the word-only option. There are also 10 corresponding worksheets for student practice. They will write each word out in broken-down syllables in the box. 

These activities are super versatile and great for students who are expanding with counting syllables and ready for a bit more of a challenge. I like to use the first 3 resources mentioned first and move on to this one when we're ready for diving words in print. 

Simplify Learning to Count Syllables

I hope these resources inspired you to try something new when it comes to teaching this topic. I know it can feel a bit overwhelming, but I promise it doesn't have to be hard! Once you find some fun, activities that incorporate hands-on learning, fine motor skills, and movement, your students will love working on counting syllables, too! You can find all of these resources in my TPT shop if you'd like to take a closer look! 

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Looking for fun and easy ways to teach counting syllables to your students this year? Use these 4 engaging and fun activities to not only teach your students how to count syllables but how to hear them in individual words as well. #tarynsuniquelearning #countingsyllables #countingsyllableactivitiesforelementary #hearingsyllablesactivities #syllablegames

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

End of the Year Staff Morale Ideas

The end of the year is a crazy time in any school. With the final countdown underway, teachers and other staff members in a school are working harder than ever! Help boost motivation and keep staff members smiling with these simple, end of the year staff morale ideas everyone will love! 

Use these end of the year staff morale ideas to show your teachers and staff how much you appreciate all the hard work they've done this year.

Why Staff Morale Matters at the End of the Year

This time of year is notorious for burnout. Everyone at school is focused on testing, graduations, parties, student recognition, final grades, and preparing for summer vacation. Teachers, administrators, secretarial staff, and everyone else at school are all burning the candle at both ends. This means that it's more important than ever to show staff members their hard work is appreciated. 

There's nothing worse than feeling frantic and unappreciated. By getting intentional with your staff morale activities, you can ensure that the staff members in your school have a smoother, successful end to the year. And don't worry, your end of the year staff morale activities don't need to be complicated! Here are 9, simple ideas to help you boost staff morale and end the year on a positive note!

1. Summer Mirror Shout Outs 

Use these summer mirror shout outs in your end of the year staff morale ideas to remind your staff how special they are throughout the summer.
First up, I've got a fun idea that I know will put a smile on everyone's faces. Best of all, it's super easy to execute! These Summer Mirror Shout Outs, allow you to leave inspiring, kind notes on the bathroom mirror in your school. As staff members use the restroom, they will be greeted with a sunny reminder that they're doing a great job! 

All you need to do is print these meaningful messages on some colorful paper and hang them up! This resource includes funny puns such as "Long time no sea" that will help your staff remember that summer break is just around the corner! 

I also loved using these in a staff photo booth for the end of the year party. Just print them out, add a popsicle stick to hold them up and you're in business. Either way, these fun little notes will make your staff members smile! 

2. Staff Rock, Paper, Scissors

Looking for a fun and easy game to boost staff morale at the end of the year? You'll LOVE this Staff Rock, Paper, Scissors Game! This is one of my favorite ideas for end of the year staff morale boosters since it's easy to implement during this busy time of year. Staff members will play throughout the day as they pass each other in the halls or see each other at lunch. 

Use this silly staff rock, paper, scissors game in your end of the year staff morale ideas for silly fun your staff will love.
To get started, you'll need to purchase beaded necklaces or Hawaiian leis from a place like the dollar store. You'll need one per staff member. On the morning of your game, you'll drop one in each mailbox with a special tag and directions to play. Staff will wear the necklace and as they see another staff member, they can challenge each other to a friendly game of rock, paper, scissors. The winner of the game gets to keep their opponent's necklace. 

At the end of the day, the necklaces are counted up and the winner is awarded a certificate and/or a fun prize! This game is a great way to sprinkle a little fun into this crazy busy time of year! 

3. Summer Scratch-Offs 

Summer scratch-offs like these are a great addition to your end of the year staff morale ideas.
Have you tried using Scratch-Offs at your staff meetings yet? These are some of my favorite ways to show staff they are appreciated all year long. These are printable tickets that come with pre-programmed options as well as blank versions to fill in your own prize ideas. These work just like a scratch-off lottery ticket, and can be prepared with stickers or paint. Staff members will simply scratch them off to reveal a prize!

These June and July Scratch-Offs are the perfect addition to your end of the year staff morale ideas. They're super quick to prepare and have a fun summer theme that everyone will love. If you need some ideas for prizes, be sure to check out this post with 25 staff prizes that are perfect for scratch-offs!

4. Teacher Yard Sale 

This end of the year staff morale idea helps teachers clean out their rooms and get some fun freebies to start off the new year.
If you've ever had a classroom of your own, you can probably relate to that feeling of overwhelm that sets in as you begin to pack it up at the end of the year. Teachers accumulate a lot of stuff over the school year and it can feel a little crazy to get organized in those final days. Help encourage your staff to clear things out and pass on unused items to a new home with a Teacher Yard Sale! 

This resource includes signs, sign-up sheets, and directions for helping your staff give new life to old things. They will love the boost of motivation to clear things out at the end of the school year and get organized as a whole school! 

Plus, it always feels good to pass on used items to another colleague. This is a wonderful community-building activity that is perfect to boost staff morale at the end of the year! Not to mention, your teachers will be so thankful to return to a classroom that's already been decluttered in the fall. 

5. Staff Post-It Notes 

Staff Post-It notes like these remind your staff how much you appreciate everything they do when you include them in your end of the year staff morale ideas.
Looking for a simple and easy way to recognize individual staff members at the end of the year? These Staff Post It Notes make it super quick and easy to spread a little sunshine any day of the week! Included in this resource, you'll find 18 different messages along with two printing templates. Simply select your design, load your Post-It's in the printer and you're ready to go! 

I loved printing these on bright, summery paper to add a little extra sunshine to the mix! The messages include things like, "Here's a little sunshine to brighten your day" and "You are masterful at the art of teaching". 

There's bound to be something for everyone on your staff roster! Simply print these off, add a personalized message to the back if desired, and leave them in mailboxes, on teacher desks, or anywhere else staff report to. 

6. Jar of Sunshine 

Include a jar of sunshine to brighten up your staff's days when included in the end of the year staff morale ideas.
Do you have a valued staff member retiring this year? Use a Jar of Sunshine to wish them a happy retirement and celebrate as a whole school. The idea behind this is similar to individual retirement cards but will give your retiree a jar full of sweet messages to read through instead. This also works as a whole-staff pick-me-up by prepping one jar for each person at the end of the year. 

Included, you'll find 12 sentence stem worksheets that will work for all staff members, and 4 additional for retirees only. Choose the ones you need and pass them out to staff to complete. Collect them afterward and place them in a pretty mason jar that you've prepared with the included card. This is such a fun gift to present and always makes staff members feel valued and appreciated. 

7. Teacher Self-Care Challenge 

Self-care is often last on the list for our dear teachers and school staff members. They are some of the hardest-working people on the planet who will always put others first. Encourage them to incorporate a bit of intentional self-care into their daily routine with this Wellness Challenge. 
Help your teachers and staff take the time to take care of themselves with this teacher self care BINGO style game perfect to include in your end of the year staff morale ideas.

Included, you'll find 10 different BINGO boards with ideas for self-care such as light a candle, take a hot bath, go to bed early, and take a walk. These simple, doable ideas are perfect for encouraging some after-hours self-care among your staff. 

I like to pass these out at the beginning of the final month in school and encourage staff to work on them throughout the month. After they fill in their board, they can turn it in to receive a small prize. Everyone loves this activity and it's a great way to avoid burnout! 

8. Windshield Notes 

Your staff will love these sweet and inspiring windshield message you can include in your list of end of the year staff morale ideas.
Sometimes a simple note is all that's needed to brighten a person's day. That's why I love these Spring Windshield Messages. They each have a cute, seasonal message printed on them that the staff will love! Some of the included messages are: 

  • Live like it's Spring!
  • You are the Bee's Knees!
  • We've got sunshine on a cloudy day! 
  • To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

To use, simply print them out and place them on staff windshields before the day ends. They will love coming out to their car to find a fun message just for them. This is a super simple, yet meaningful staff appreciation idea that's really easy to fit into the end of the year chaos! 

9. Friday Oranges 

Everyone loves yummy oranges and will love them even more when you make it a Friday habit as part of your end of the year staff morale ideas.
Last, on my list of simple, end of the year staff morale ideas, I've got a Friday treat that everyone will love! Use this Friday Oranges resource to give staff a tasty snack in a fun way to close out a busy week. All you need to do is print off the signs and/or tags, buy some oranges, mandarins, or cuties, and set everything up in the lounge for staff to enjoy. 

I liked to print a few of the colorful signs that read "Orange You Glad It's Friday?" and post them in staff hallways and on the lounge door. Then, place the bowl of fruit on the table and scatter a few of the smaller tags on the table. You can also place a tag and orange in each person's mailbox if you prefer to pass them out individually. Either way, this is a fun and healthy treat everyone will love!

Start Planning Your End of the Year Staff Morale Activities

I hope you found something fun and new to try in this post! What I love most about these ideas is that they are all simple and easy to implement. It doesn't take much to show staff that they are appreciated during this extra busy time of year. Pick and choose the options that work best for your school and have fun planning! You can find all of these ideas and many more in my TPT Shop. Wishing you a wonderful end to your school year!

Looking for More End of the Year Staff Morale Ideas? 

Check out this post that's filled with 6 fun ideas for a Staff Snack Bar! These ideas are perfect for your end of the year meeting or party and are sure to show staff they are appreciated. 

Looking for fantastic ways to show your staff how much you appreciate them as the year draws to a close? Use these exciting, fun, and creative end of the year staff morale ideas to end your year on a positive note for everyone at your school. #tarynsuniquelearning #endoftheyearstaffmoraleideas #summerstaffideas #staffmorale