*Using alphabet beads and sprinkles (or jimmies as we call them in Ohio), simply pour them into a baby food jar. I also add a penny for good luck. Leave a little room so the sprinkles can move freely and letters can be found. And of course, the kids love the sound when they shake them up a bit! I first saw "Find its" when we were at a fun restaurant in Louisville. They had one on every table to use while waiting for food to be delivered. They have lots of goodies in them to find. I thought this would be an easy way to search for all the letters of the alphabet. Each student made one of these to take home. These were a definite hit!
*What do you do with all that pesky Styrofoam that comes packed with new electronics? I finally found a perfect use for them. Simply take a permanent marker and write the letters on all sides of the pieces. Steal your husband's golf tees and a toy hammer. Have your students pound the tees into the letters in the correct handwriting sequence.They can pull the tees out with the back side of the hammer or their fingers. The fine motor practice is just what some of your students with messy handwriting need! This is a definite hit, although your neighbors may pop in to see what the noise is!
*Tried and true Play Doh is always a hit. Simply have the kids roll the doh into snakes and form the letters, both uppercase and lowercase. Letter cookie cutters are a lot of fun with the doh as well!
*Eating pretzels so what is left looks like a letter of the alphabet is another fun way my hungry students love to practice their letters. The pre-planning is also a skill that little people may need practice with occasionally!
*Using the old Ellison Cut Out machine and simply printing letters on them is a great, inexpensive, and seasonal way to have students practice identifying and sequencing the letters of the alphabet. If you don't have access to them, simply use calendar tags or cut outs from the Teacher Supply Store. They have such a huge variety of them these days!
Until Next Time,