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Saturday, December 19, 2015

YIPPEE!  That's all I have to say.  No...I actually have a little more. Can you guess what today is?Today is my first day of WINTER VACATION.  I didn't have to set the alarm clock, I could linger in my jammies, and I am finally finishing some of the projects for TPT that I've been working on as well as some of those around the house.  It is actually going to be a staycation for the hubs and I as our puppy is in need of some TLC in his geriatric years.  So gladly we are staying in town for the holidays.  I'm busy booking dates to see friends, have dinners out, check out some new movies, and the list goes on!

After being featured in the TPT newsletter last month, my store has blown up and I have a ton of new followers. I hope they are following here as well. (If you are a new follower, give a shout out below!) Anyway, I decided to create a freebie just for you, my followers and fans so you have a new, fun center for your emerging readers for your arrival back to school in the new year. (Shh....we are not going to rush it by any means!)

So this game is called Winter Time- Spin and Cover. All you have to do is print out the spinner board, the mitten board, and add a spinner along with a pile of snowballs (a.k.a. cotton balls). Students spin the spinner and cover the correct mitten with a snowball. The goal is to be the one to cover the board first.  This can be played individually, in pairs, in centers, at your reading table, for RtI work, and with parent volunteers or peer tutors.  VERY VERSATILE.

I hope your kiddos will enjoy this. I look forward to trying it out with my kids too as even mine haven't had their hands on this new item yet.  Give a shout out and let me know what your think and how it goes.

So I wish you the best and safest holiday ever.  And for those of you still in school for a few days, hang in there. It's a glorious feeling when it arrives so savor every moment. I look forward to creating many more great items for all of us to use in the new year.  And I look forward to hearing from you all on a regular basis....so come follow along for the fun.

Until Next Time,
Taryn's Unique Learning

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