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Sunday, January 24, 2016

My Mom Was Right Again!

My mom always said that the older you get, the faster time goes.  I have to say (Shhhh......don't tell her!) she was right.  Not only can I not believe that I've been teaching as long as I have (Significant Birthday this July), but I can't believe that it is almost February again.  When I was a classroom teacher, I always loved February and accepted it as a challenge.  After all, how many concepts and units can one fit into a tiny 28 day month right?  Let's see...there is 100th day, Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, President's Day, Black History Month, Dental Health Month, Chinese New Year, Superbowl Sunday...the list goes on and on and I'm sure you get my point. I'm sure I've missed a few.

One thing I know is that I have always loved creating items for this time of year and this year is absolutely no exception.  So I've been adding some goodies to my TPT store and I will share a few of my new and previously posted items below.

One holiday that I love is Valentine's Day and I couldn't decide which product to highlight so I just am showing you covers of them all.  Do pop by and check out everything from real and nonsense word sorts to personification!  Another thing I know for sure is that teachers love "Link Ups" so I am going to attempt to host my first one today.  Come and add your favorite product or two by linking up below. I would love to give my readers a ton of options to get them through the very busy month of February!

So thanks for stopping by and be sure to have a FABULOUS FEBRUARY!

Until Next Time,


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Linda for stopping by and linking up today! So many great goodies!

  2. Thanks for hosting! You're right! February is always jam packed and it's the shortest month!

  3. Thank you for hosting - I've been thinking I should try this too, so I'm really glad to hear someone new to it managing so well. I love how colorful and bright your blog is!

  4. Thanks so much Paula! It was really easy and it looks like a ton of people have left great links for my readers! I appreciate you linking up and stopping by to say hi!
