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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Nifty Fifty and Giveaway

I have an announcement.  I was born on July 12, 1966. Guess what? That makes today my 50th birthday.  I'm not sure really how this happened but poof!  I'm 50. I'm certain my AARP card is on the way...again. They only send them out for a year and a half prior to your actual 50th birthday.  I am getting ready to enter my 29th year of teaching, 2 districts, 2 schools, 4 principals, 4 assistant principals, 3 grade levels, 2 rounds as an Intervention Specialist and I am sure I could continue. I love that everyone is posting their educational stats.  I haven't done that because I've been busily getting ready for the big 5-0.  Today I'm heading to ORLANDO, FLORIDA for my second visit to the Annual Teachers Pay Teachers Conference.  Darn...wish it was in Vegas again because I love Las Vegas.  I'm expecting heat and humidity, lots of noisy kids, and a ton of fun with my local TPT friends who I meet up with on a semi-regular basis these days.  It's going to be so different than the first time I went to the conference when I did not know a single sole.

Now...you may not be a TPT seller but you may be a fiercely loyal TPT customer.  And I truly love that you found me here. So I thought you would like to get in on the birthday celebration as well.  For you I am posting a great birthday freebie.  It is called "Rockin' My Way to 50" and includes four different activities that you can use for centers in your classroom. (Just click on the link below the cover picture.)  It also makes me want to sing the introductory song to "Happy Days" thanks to the adorable clip art from Educlips.  Take a peek below to see samples of all the centers that are included:

First up, you will find a super fun game board with an accompanying spinner (not pictured).  Your students will spin the spinner and land on a sight word (from the first 50 Fry Word List).  Students read the word aloud and the other players check and confirm.  It's kind of on the honor system here.  There are a few fun spots in the game that can either accelerate the game or slow it down.  But I always say, "Who doesn't love a spinner game?!!"

Next up, you will find clip cards for numeral sequences between 1-50.  Students find the missing number from the three choices listed below.  All you need to do is cut, laminate, and add clothespins. Students clip the clothespin onto the correct answer. You can also make this activity self checking by putting a smiley face on the back side behind the correct answer.  Beware of SHARPIES as they show through which will take all the work out of this product. Although firsties will swear they weren't seeing the answers on the back!

Similarly, I have more clip cards that can be set up the exact same way. This is a "Fifties" version of my best selling product "Context Clues".  This will help your students practice using context clues to determine word meaning. Students choose the one picture below that makes the sentence make the most sense!  (Perfect carryover for teaching the ready strategy of skipping an unknown word when reading and coming back to it!) My students love this format and I think yours will too.

And this is the last activity I have included. You may choose to use this as an assessment or practice. Students can fill out the chart with the missing numerals.  Also included you will find a completely blank version for completing the entire 50's chart.

If you count your days of school up to Day 100, you can use  any or all of these products along the way or as you see fit.  And don't forget...THEY ARE FREE! See...aren't you glad I am turning 50?

If you love this product, I would be honored if you would follow me on my blog at any or all of my locations that you would find helpful.  I have provided you with those location links below and of course, would love to see you there. Just click to follow.

Finally, if you would like to link up some products below that are related to the  Birthday theme and how you celebrate student birthdays in your classroom, please feel free to link up to 3 Birthday Products to share with others. Who doesn't love a linky!

Thanks so much for helping me celebrate my birthday. It's a milestone for sure...one that not everyone has the privilege of celebrating!

Until Next Time,


  1. Hope you had a happy birthday!!!!!!

  2. Hope your big day was totally GRAND! We love your blog and loved meeting everyone in Orlando! Please drop by our blog for a visit some time: itallstartedwithflubber.com

    Thanks, Taryn!
