So here is how our Sunshine Committee works in our building. All staff are invited to participate and contribute $25 per school year and I have to say that the majority of our staff participates. We recognize and contribute to showers, get well flowers, family illnesses, and try to incorporate staff events to increase our fun factor. Last year we had a Chili Cook Off which was a huge success and this September we had a Staff Restroom Decorating Contest. We have several staff restrooms throughout our building and most are in the grade level wings. The idea came to me when visiting a staff restroom that had a cozy corner set up with some decorations and I thought this was a great idea. After all, it is the only place where we can get a moment of silence during our day. Here is the flyer that I posted on all of the restroom doors and waited for everyone to think I was crazy! I sat back and waited while I hoped people would participate.
Most grade levels did participate which was great. Those that did participate truly impressed me. Here are some pictures showing the results of our contest.
Fourth Grade Teachers went the philosophical route and hung framed art work, quotes, lights, and adorable fluffy pom poms from the ceiling!
Second Grade was the grade level that inspired the whole contest by setting up this cute corner.
Our First Grade team went for the seasonal approach and I think the candy bowl right outside the restroom was a bribe but I'm not sure!
And our Kindergarten Team just took it over the top! This was the winning restroom. Take a peek!
So a good contest always needs a winning prize and although they were declared the winners, the prize will be awarded at our next staff meeting. What could it possibly be I bet you are wondering. Don't tell...
The Golden Plunger Award!
So do you have a Sunshine Committee in your building? What do they plan for your staff? I would love to hear from you so comment below!
Until Next Time,
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