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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

High Stakes Testing in Ohio and Linky

Happy Wednesday to you.  Here in Ohio, it is AIR testing week(s).  As an intervention teacher, I get to test students on 504's in small group, while putting my regular intervention groups on hold.  I always feel the pressure of not being with my regular caseload students. But, that is not to be while my 3rd and 4th graders are testing.

In the meantime, a most exciting time of the year follows testing.  While we just moved into the fourth quarter of the year, the light at the end of the tunnel has come into view.  Many fun activities have been planned for this time of the year. And as teachers, we can appreciate that the great push to testing season has passed, we can let out a joint "sigh of relief" and we can sit back for a moment, reap the benefit of our hard work, and have some extra fun with our students.

Below are some seasonal and timely products posted by my TPT author friends.  They just might allow you to have some extra fun as you plan for the end of the school year. Do take a peek and stock up on some great goodies.

I hope you have a great week. And for those of you testing this week, breathe and know that you have done an excellent job with your kiddos this school year.

Until Next Time,


  1. We'll all need a little extra fun after testing season is over! Thanks for letting me link up!

    1. Thanks Theresa! You aren't kidding. Glad you could link up some products.

  2. Thanks for hosting this party, Taryn. It's very festive! My posting was delayed as I got hooked on the story of Izzy and Mr. Purple (which seems like a perfect name to me!) -- Renee

    1. Thanks so much. Glad you are following. I'm not sure Mr. Purple will stick but it seemed appropriate at the time. Stay tuned for our final decision.
